14-Day Digestive Cleanse Guide + Supplements
Why cleanse the bowel?
It is paramount to our physical health to have a well functioning digestive system, both upper & lower. Since the large intestine/colon is the final step in food processing it is always the first organ to be cleansed. If you attempt to clean your liver, blood, or lymph system without first addressing a toxic bowel, released toxins will only get recycled back into your body. Dr. Anthony Bassler, an esteemed gastroenterologist states, "Every physician should realize that the intestinal toxemias (poisons) are the most important primary and contributing causes of many disorders and the diseases of the human body." According to Dr. Bassler, one of the plagues of our modern society is sluggish, under-active colons. As we detox and hydrate the colon, we will increase absorption of nutrients. Better absorption can lead to an increase in energy, improved performance for the immune system, and a higher rate of production of the “happiness chemical,” Serotonin. You are bound to feel lighter and brighter after releasing that which no longer serves you.
From an energetic standpoint, the colon is ruled by the element of Earth and has a positive reflex in the tops of the shoulders and trapezius muscle, and a negative reflex in the knees. Earth element rules the legs and feet, as well as our entire skeletal structure, including the teeth. Since the colon’s main function is to sort through the last bit of food and decide what is waste and what is a usable, nutritious substance, it has the same emotional metaphor. As we cleanse the colon, we release many old patterns of behavior, ways of being, and stuck emotions. You may notice a difference in your external systems of organization and how you order the things around you. As you move the old, stuck energy out you may notice an uptick in your positivity and feelings of abundance and accomplishment. Confidence and trust in the Self may increase as you commit to yourself and your Health and truly follow through. So work with your discipline here over these two weeks and you will be proud of yourself.
What’s included:
supplements for 14 days of cleansing
detox manual with directions for use, product descriptions, dietary guidelines + food list, and recipes!
Why cleanse the bowel?
It is paramount to our physical health to have a well functioning digestive system, both upper & lower. Since the large intestine/colon is the final step in food processing it is always the first organ to be cleansed. If you attempt to clean your liver, blood, or lymph system without first addressing a toxic bowel, released toxins will only get recycled back into your body. Dr. Anthony Bassler, an esteemed gastroenterologist states, "Every physician should realize that the intestinal toxemias (poisons) are the most important primary and contributing causes of many disorders and the diseases of the human body." According to Dr. Bassler, one of the plagues of our modern society is sluggish, under-active colons. As we detox and hydrate the colon, we will increase absorption of nutrients. Better absorption can lead to an increase in energy, improved performance for the immune system, and a higher rate of production of the “happiness chemical,” Serotonin. You are bound to feel lighter and brighter after releasing that which no longer serves you.
From an energetic standpoint, the colon is ruled by the element of Earth and has a positive reflex in the tops of the shoulders and trapezius muscle, and a negative reflex in the knees. Earth element rules the legs and feet, as well as our entire skeletal structure, including the teeth. Since the colon’s main function is to sort through the last bit of food and decide what is waste and what is a usable, nutritious substance, it has the same emotional metaphor. As we cleanse the colon, we release many old patterns of behavior, ways of being, and stuck emotions. You may notice a difference in your external systems of organization and how you order the things around you. As you move the old, stuck energy out you may notice an uptick in your positivity and feelings of abundance and accomplishment. Confidence and trust in the Self may increase as you commit to yourself and your Health and truly follow through. So work with your discipline here over these two weeks and you will be proud of yourself.
What’s included:
supplements for 14 days of cleansing
detox manual with directions for use, product descriptions, dietary guidelines + food list, and recipes!
Why cleanse the bowel?
It is paramount to our physical health to have a well functioning digestive system, both upper & lower. Since the large intestine/colon is the final step in food processing it is always the first organ to be cleansed. If you attempt to clean your liver, blood, or lymph system without first addressing a toxic bowel, released toxins will only get recycled back into your body. Dr. Anthony Bassler, an esteemed gastroenterologist states, "Every physician should realize that the intestinal toxemias (poisons) are the most important primary and contributing causes of many disorders and the diseases of the human body." According to Dr. Bassler, one of the plagues of our modern society is sluggish, under-active colons. As we detox and hydrate the colon, we will increase absorption of nutrients. Better absorption can lead to an increase in energy, improved performance for the immune system, and a higher rate of production of the “happiness chemical,” Serotonin. You are bound to feel lighter and brighter after releasing that which no longer serves you.
From an energetic standpoint, the colon is ruled by the element of Earth and has a positive reflex in the tops of the shoulders and trapezius muscle, and a negative reflex in the knees. Earth element rules the legs and feet, as well as our entire skeletal structure, including the teeth. Since the colon’s main function is to sort through the last bit of food and decide what is waste and what is a usable, nutritious substance, it has the same emotional metaphor. As we cleanse the colon, we release many old patterns of behavior, ways of being, and stuck emotions. You may notice a difference in your external systems of organization and how you order the things around you. As you move the old, stuck energy out you may notice an uptick in your positivity and feelings of abundance and accomplishment. Confidence and trust in the Self may increase as you commit to yourself and your Health and truly follow through. So work with your discipline here over these two weeks and you will be proud of yourself.
What’s included:
supplements for 14 days of cleansing
detox manual with directions for use, product descriptions, dietary guidelines + food list, and recipes!